Fragmenting the reflection

I have a big obsession with mirrors. Maybe it came from my Marie Antoinette narcissism years or the fact that I love the instant clarity they can provide to a room. Whatever the reason for my infatuation, the truth is that if it was for me, I would have mirrors everywhere just like in my dear Versailles Palace.

My latest reflection craze are the fragmented ones. As always I figured a way to make one from scratch. But before I show you how, here are some beautiful examples that I used as inspiration.

Let’s cut to the chase


  1. Foam board

  2. Ruler

  3. Thin plywood plank (1/8”x12”x24”) available at Michaels  

  4. Small mirrors, I bought three 5 packs (3”x3”) available at Michaels 

  5. Paintbrush

  6. 3600 glue available at Michaels 

  7. Paint (I use leftover Behr sample in Dolphin Fin)

Fist I pre-cut some foam board in strips of 1/2” wide. These are going to be for the sides in order to elevate the mirrors squares. After cutting these pieces, I divided a couple of them in half making two triangles of each one. 



Now it is time to select your pattern before you start gluing the pieces for elevating the mirrors. Here I’m providing a diagram of how I did it. You will notice some arrows; they indicate the elevated direction of that particular mirror. If the square does not have an arrow it means that it goes flat over the surface.

After you decided the pattern, you can now start gluing the triangles. On the back of each elevated square, I added another piece of foam board which I cut as show. This is like a cover for the back of the mirror.


After I glue all the mirrors, I gave all the borders a paint to make it look even. Hope you like this easy tutorial. Check the results.