Hanging inspirations

Hanging inspiration

By this time and with all the inspiration board writing I’ve made; some might be wondering where my inspiration board is. It may come as a surprise but, up until today, I did not have any. Don’t let your jaw drop to the floor just yet because today I’ll show you “the-making-of-my-very-simple-board”. The best part is that this board has a view!

This is going to be the simplest Do It Yourself I have posted. But you’ll see that with a little you can always do a lot. 


The materials are easy to get. Two suction hooks (like the ones use for the bathroom rack or hangers) and a 19 gauge steel wire. I bought both items at Target but any hardware store might have them.  I also got a box of small binder clips so I can hang my mementos and photos.

First, I took some measurements. The first one was from the floor up to 5’ because I wanted the wire to be near my line of vision. The second one was from each side of my sliding door (from outside to inside) being 1’ each side. The illusion I wanted to achieve was for the wire to disappear and to look like my items were floating. That is why I measure 1’ on each side so that the suction hooks will be hiding in the back of the curtains.


After this, I rolled the wire a couple of times (3x) around the center of the suction hooks so that the cable wouldn’t fall. Then I arrange my photos and magazine pull outs. And that is that!!! Now I have a hanging inspiration board with a view!


I just love how now I can have my girls “hanging” with me and Emma’s art inspiring every moment of my life. Love everything! Hop over my Facebook page and show me your inspiration boards. I would really like you to share those with me!

Remember to go to The Homies 2012 and vote for my blog, I don’t know how she does it. I’m in two categories DIY and Home Design. Thank you!