What's on my desk? OPAL

Last month I went to Savannah, GA in our first family road trip ever. Among many of the things I fell in love with, there were these Bodega Vino Opal Glasses from The Paris Market store. This shop is so beautiful and its merchandise (all reminiscent of old Paris and it’s flea markets) so well selected that I had to go two times to rejoice my soul. Also the staff was so nice and attentive and they even spoke French! This is one of those stores you wish to could live in. Here are a couple of pictures I took from their gorgeous displays. If you ever visit Savannah, make sure to visit them.



Now to my opal new obsession. Here are some interesting accessories I found for the home not from The Paris Market. Some are made of opal glass others are opal inspired. 

Pass the mouse over each of the lamps and “click-em” to see their website! Each one of them comes from a different and interesting site. Don’t forget to visit them.

Lamp 1Lamp 2Lamp 3Lamp 4