Urban Jungle Bloggers: 1 plant 3 stylings

Today is my first post for the Urban Jungle Bloggers (a huge initiative from Igor from Happy Interior Blog and Judith from Joelix, to help you make your home a happy one with plants!) and I couldn't be more excited with this month's theme: 1 plant 3 stylings. On this post I'm sharing three ideas on how to decorate your space using the same plant with three different stylings.

The plant I chose to style is called "Hoya Carnosa" but some might know it by "Hindu Rope Plant", "Krinkle Kurl" or even "Wax Flower". The real beauty of this plant is not on its name, but in the way the leaves curl and with the added surprise for the adult plants for when they bloom and even spell a soft fragrant (some dare to compare it with the aroma of chocolate, YUM!). This houseplant only needs to be watered when the soil is completely dry and to be near a window so it can received direct light for more than 4 hours a day.
For this little fellow I decided to change its vase depending on the area it was going to be placed. On the first two photos, and just for fun, I placed two cute laundry pegs to accessorize the ceramic black and white vase. Love the ballerina on the back and the Miss Acrobat in the front! Here the plant was accommodated on a wall shelf where I usually like to display my interior design books.

Another great option for my small Hoya was on the window sill of my bedroom. Here it can received the natural light it needs, besides being a great decoration accent to the room. I decided to placed it inside a white ceramic shell vase and, to keep the nautical theme, a sea shell with a small Bromeliad sat on its side.

For my last styling proposal I wanted Mr. Hoya to accompany my recently bought "Radiant Orchid" armchair from +HomeGoods, so I placed it over a wood side table with an aged brass lamp and a cute beetle. I love the life it brings to this area and again, this place is ideal for it to receive a daily dose of sun.

Now that you are familiar with ways to style this plant in your home, come on over for more great ideas on how to incorporate other plants in your interior spaces to the Urban Jungle Pinterest board. Also, don't forget to visit their Facebook page to keep you up-to-date with new trends from the green side. I'm sure you'll be more than glad you did!!!


  1. Thank you so much for being an Urban Jungle Blogger, Gloribell! Mr. Hoya looks so elegant with its curled leaves! I think the first styling with the ballerina & acrobat (and the Atelier Stella planter of course!) is my favorite. Mr. Hoya will also be a perfect match for your new armchair once he'll wear his flowers (which are usually pale pink, right?). So exciting!

  2. Thanks Igor! Huge fan of Stella on this part of the world. Have a wonderful week!

  3. OMG my friends mother has one of these in her house and its HUGE! Ive been wondering what the name of it is. Now I know. I love the sculptural quality of it. The curled leaves are so unique.
